About us

We are Lize and Steph.

Two women who are also mums, navigating motherhood and life! Mums to Jesse (Lize) and Eva (Steph) born 1 day apart, we were lucky enough to be meet at parent’s group when our babies were 6 weeks old. We’ve been able to share so many memories (and WTF moments), share all the hacks (including the must haves that weren’t) and go through so many milestones together, especially the big one, solids! 

Our solids journey quickly became about finding the best products to make mealtimes as easy as possible. These little humans might be small, but their mess is mighty!  

As new mums, we tried all different bib styles on our babies, but none could quite tackle the mealtime mess without involving an outfit change and more time spent washing (everything and everyone!) rather than focusing on enjoying the moment with our bubs. We knew there was something we had to do to help other parents, so we set out to develop a bib to make mealtime easier and that’s when JAE + BAE was born. 

 While our journey was initially inspired by mealtime mess, as our babies grew, we quickly realised there were more messy activities ahead and how important messy play is for their development.

 Our mission is to keep messy times fun and make clean up a breeze. Our signature bib has been developed with unique features to make sure the mess on the bib doesn’t end up on your bubs clothes. Our bibs range is supported by accessories that make clean up easier, whether at home or on the go.